Friday 5 December 2014

SSRS: Report check list, Format Rules, Tips to follow (St Charles College)

  1. Report Language
  2. Display report name
  3. Display printed by username
  4. Display printed date, Change Date format to UK Date
  5. Display selected parameters
  6. Alternate row color: =IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) MOD 2,”LightGrey”, “LightBlue”)
  7. Details and Header Row color: Gray
  8. Column alignment: Centre
  9. Try to reduce margin to allocate more records in single page
  10. Group by Record Per Page
  11. Group By to remove duplicate row entry
  12. Shrink or Grow row height
  13. Show table header on every page
  14. Printing format check
    1. Save the report as PDF
    2. Open the report and see the data that should be in one page, has not spread over two pages
    3. Print it and see how does it look


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