SSRS Subreport: Record count of Subreport from Main report
Method One:
I think that you can try to add the same subreport datasets to the main report, and use the same parameters to filter the dataset records. After that, you can use the following expression to get the number of rows: =CountRows(“DataSet2”) and =CountRows(“DataSet3”)
SSRS Report: Date addition, subtraction
I want to subtract 7 days from the date I choose in the date parameter
In the expression write=Dateadd("d",-7,Parameters!RefDate.Value)
I want just change the year part of the Date field. Changing 365 days does not work because of the leap year.
SQL Command:
UPDATE dbo.TableToUpdate
SET [Date Column] = DATEADD(YEAR, -2, [Date Column]);
SSRS Command: